Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Real World

In a mere 133 days, I will be entering the "Real World." No, I will not be on reality tv, but rather I will be graduating from college in January. For the past three years, "college student" has been my identifier. In January, I will forced to become a member of the Real World, whatrever that really means, and my so-called glory days will be memories rather than realities. 

 As an assignment following an interview I recently had, I was told to create a Twitter post that could be sent to the entire student body. Because I am a senior, and that's really all I've been thinking about these days, I chose to include a countdown until graduation day, though the one in May, not my actual graduation date because I will be a semester early, with the question: what will you do with your final year here? While I was brainstorming my post I thought about asking about the lessons people had learned during their time in college, or the best place to get food in or around campus, advice to underclassmen about how to make the short time worthwhile. Instead, I chose to inquire about the future. 

 Now, I do not believe that I can ask an introspective question of someone else without having an answer to said question myself. So, that will be my own personal assignment for the next few days. What will I do with my next 133 days of college before graduation? 

I'll get back to you on that.